Sweet Sweat was originally developed in 1977 by fitness expert and former athlete Jeff Pedersen three-time National Champion at the University of Southern California (USC) and Chicago Cub baseball draftee for his 500-member athletic club to enhance and accelerate their workout programs.
Although it took almost three years of daily physical testing on himself and his club members to get the product to work, it was well worth it.
In fact, their results were so significant and immediate that friends of the members were asking if they could also use the product. A decision was then made to put this one of a kind fitness product on the market in 1980. Thus, the first version of the workout cream, Sweet Sweat, was born.
The substantiation and reputation of the sports product continued to grow after a very successful independent study in 1984, conducted at the University of Southern California by US-renowned Exercise Physiologist Dr. Robert A. Wiswell, Ph.D., Associate Professor and Chairman of the USC Physical Education Department.
Sweet Sweat has been used by amateur and professional athletes (boxing, mixed martial arts, wrestling, baseball, football, bodybuilding, soccer, tennis, track, etc.) worldwide to substantially improve circulation, accelerate warmup and recovery time and help them to get the best from their workouts.